Evolution or Creation?

The story of Creation declares God’s wisdom. He took nothing and created everything. Then He took dirt and created man.
Scientist have now learned just how complex a creation you are. The average human brain has about 100 billion nerve cells. You coordinate the work of seventy-two different muscles just to form the sounds of speech. You were born with three hundred bones. There are forty-five miles of nerves in your skin. The average human heart will beat 3,000 million times in its lifetime and pump 48 million gallons of blood. Your blood travels 60,000 miles per day on its journey through your body.
Only God has the wisdom to create such an intricate life form as a human being!
I will never understand how “anyone”, can believe we just happened to “evolve” from a single speck of pond scum, to become what we are today. This doesn’t even begin to account for the difference between man and a chicken!
Common sense declares, that “life”, did not come about by “happen chance”!! Only God, has the wisdom!